Are You and Your Business Ready?

I recognize that life may be challenging right now, with small businesses hit the hardest. However, if you think your business will weather the storm, you need to be looking at “what’s next”? As they say, there are two sides to every coin – and while today, there may not be much to smile about, there could be a fantastic opportunity on the other side.

While we don’t know exactly what tomorrow will look like, we know it will be different from today. So, why are we at Choose Growth so excited about this? Simply put, every business out there will be starting from a blank slate in one form or another. Think about it, the opportunity to gain first-mover advantage no matter how old the industry or your business is – this is an unprecedented event. The question is whether you will be in a position to take advantage of it.

While we are living in an unpredictable time, we can make some high-percentage educated guesses about the future of business: 

  • Business travel will be reduced, not eliminated entirely, but significantly reduced.
  • * Face-to-Face sales calls will move from a necessity to a nice-to-have or even a burden.

These likely changes to the business sector in a post-COVID world mean our entire market approach needs to be reviewed. Lowered travel expenses makes money available for utilization elsewhere. Without getting into a car between each call, a salesperson can significantly increase customer contact time. These changes do not even scratch the surface of what is to come. Choose Growth believes that between COVID-19 and the trade war with China, there will not be one facet of business left unimpacted.

Choose Growth can help you prepare for the future, while also addressing current issues to ensure you make it to the other side. 

  • Review your current situation and suggest changes that will create an immediate impact
  • Review your business plan for pivot points
  • Review your sales plan for changes that can not only help today but prepare you for whatever comes next
  • Even if you choose not to contact us, please do yourself a favor and have a professional sales leader review your sales plan – there is too much at risk to not be prepared

Contact Choose Growth today for your no-cost, no-obligation Discovery Session. We will review your current situation with a look towards the future and identify issues that can be acted upon today – even if you don’t hire us. The only cost to you is one hour of your time.

* The author has been fighting an uphill battle for the past decade arguing that video calls can replace many (not all) face-to-face calls.

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